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[Species lists below]
This was our last outdoor meeting of the year, and it was disappointing that the weather was raw and damp, and after several days of heavy rain it was very wet underfoot although most of the fungi seemed to enjoy the conditions! We are very grateful to Colin Stephenson for leading our annual fungus foray again, and the 10 brave souls who came saw a good variety of different fungi: toadstools, brackets, jelly-fungi, rusts, even ergot growing on rye-grass. We thank Colin for sending us the list of 78 species below.
We met at the edge of Cropton Forest, near the entrance to Spiers House. This is an area of old moorland which has been afforested since the 1930s. The soil is generally poor and acid with some peat, so vegetation under the trees is mainly of heathers, purple moor-grass (Molinia caerulea), bilberry and mosses.
It has a rich fungal flora because of the trees, since many fungi grow in association with both coniferous and deciduous trees, especially on the roots, dead wood, leaf litter etc.As this was primarily a fungus foray I did not make a list of the plants seen except those few actually in flower, which included all three heathers mid-October is very late for them still to be in bloom. I counted 11 species in flower.
We did not see many birds, but heard several, including flocks of goldcrests with tits. One robin followed us for several yards, possibly hoping to catch any insects we might have disturbed; otherwise the birds kept to the tops of the trees where they were extremely difficult to see in the rather poor light.
I do not have lists of all that was found, but we did record the following:
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Spinellus fusiger | on old Mycena galopus |
Pyrenomycetes & Plectomycetes
Claviceps purpurea | |
Xylaria hypoxylon |
Rhytisma acerinum | on Acer |
Agaricus sylvaticus | |
Amanita fulva | |
Amanita rubescens | |
Clitocybe clavipes | |
Coprinus comatus | |
Cortinarius hemetrichus | |
Cortinarius lepidopus | |
Crepidotus variabilis | |
Cystoderma amianthinum | |
Entoloma serrulatum | |
Galerina hypnorum | in moss |
Gomphidius roseus | |
Gymnopilus penetrans | |
Gymnopus peronatus | |
Hebeloma mesophaeum | |
Hydnum repandum | |
Hygrocybe conica | |
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca | |
Hypholoma fasciculare | |
Hypholoma marginatum | |
Inocybe lacera | |
Inocybe rimosa | |
Laccaria laccata | |
Laccaria proxima | |
Lactarius deterimus | |
Lactarius hepaticus | |
Lactarius quietus | |
Lactarius rufus | |
Lactarius torminosus | |
Lactarius turpis | |
Leccinum scabrum | |
Leccinum variicolor | |
Lepista inversa | |
Lyophylum decastes | |
Lyophylum fumosum | |
Mycena filopes | |
Mycena galericulata | |
Mycena galopus | |
Mycena leptocephala | on Pinus needles |
Panellus mitis | |
Paxillus involutus | |
Pholiota flammans | |
Rhodocollybia maculata | |
Rickenella fibula | |
Russula betularum | |
Russula claroflava | |
Russula cyanoxantha | |
Russula emetica | |
Russula fellea | |
Russula fragilis | |
Russula nigricans | |
Russula ochroleuca | |
Russula puellaris | |
Russula sardonia | with Pinus |
Suillus bovinus | |
Suillus luteus | |
Tricholoma fulvum | |
Tricholomopsis rutilans | |
Xerocomus badius |
Coriolus versicolor
Ganoderma adspersum | |
Heterobasidion anosum | |
Oligoporus stiptica | on fallen conifer |
Skeletokutis amorpha | |
Stereum sanguinolentum | |
Tricaptum abietinum |
Hymenocetous Heterobasidiae
Calocera palidospathulata | |
Calocera viscosa | |
Dacrymyces stillatus |
Rhizopogon luteolus |
Coleosporium tussilaginis | on T.farfara |
Melampsoridium betulinum | |
Pucciniastrum vaccinii | on V.myrtillus |
Ramularia rubella | on R.obtusifolia |
Colin R Stephenson
Recorder for Mycology
Scarborough Field Naturalists Society
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Page last modified 24th November 2000. Site maintained by APL-385