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Records were received from Tom [TD] and Janet Denney [JD], Gill Smith [GS], Jim Pewtress [JP], Roy Crossley [RC], Terry Crawford [TC], Michael Thompson [MT] and Lindsay Wardell [LW]. I [AG] lived outside the Ryedale N.H.S. area during 2008; firstly in Haxby, then after March, in Bradford. Nevertheless, I was regularly in Ryedale, and recorded some insects on my travels, including a few that are appended to the excursion report for our outdoor meeting at Forge Valley on 31.5.2008.
The Yorkshire Naturalists Union held their vice-county 62 excursion within our area at Hawnby on 9.8.2008. This meeting was abruptly curtailed by heavy and continuous rain; nevertheless, Roy Crossley found two flies for which there are very few Yorkshire records, viz. Eloeophila apicata and Hilara albiventris.
Our societys combined 2008 records were sufficiently meagre to allow full inclusion within this annual report; although, to save space, it was necessary to condense parts, and omit most dates in the section on Lepidoptera. Unless otherwise stated: Gilling = Gill Smiths garden ; Hawnby = swept by Roy Crossley from riverside vegetation near Dalicar Bridge, SE538897, during the Yorkshire Naturalists Union excursion to Hawnby on 9.8.2008; Helmsley = recorded by Jim Pewtress from River Rye, Helmsley, SE6282, on 8.6.2008; Kirkbymoorside = Jim Pewtress garden, or front doorstep; Slingsby = Michael Thompsons garden; Sykes House = Tom and Janet Denneys garden. Terry Crawfords moth records were made during the Ryedale N.H.S. meeting at Sykes House on the evening of 30.8.2008.
Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Large Red Damselfly): Lowna, SE688909, 29.7.2008, AG. Enallagma cyathigerum (Common Blue Damselfly): Gilling, (bottom lake), SE591764, 27.7.2008 (abundant), GS. Ischnura elegans (Blue-tailed Damselfly): Gilling, (dam of bottom lake), SE590766, 27.7.2008 (several), GS. Aeshna cyanea (Southern Hawker): Slingsby, (pond), SE698754, 29.8.2008 (♂), 1.9.2008 (♂♀ in copula), MT. Aeshna grandis (Brown Hawker): Gilling, (top lake), SE596758, 10.8.2008 (2), (between bottom and middle lakes), SE596758, 5.9.78, 15.8.2008, (middle lake), SE595758, 20.9.2008 (2), GS. Aeshna juncea (Common Hawker): Gilling, (woodland ride), SE5975, 29.8.2008 (♂), (bottom and middle lakes), SE596758, 20.9.2008, GS. Aeshna mixta (Migrant Hawker): Slingsby Hall, SE6975, 28.8.2008 (♂ trapped in conservatory), MT. Anax imperator (Emperor Dragonfly): Gilling, (woods), SE588766, 15.8.2008, (middle lake), SE595758, 21.9.2008, GS; Sykes House, (pond), SE664917, 21.8.2008, JD, 24.8.2008, JD, 28.8.2008, JD, TD. Cordulegaster boltonii (Golden-ringed Dragonfly): Malton, (behind club house on golf course), SE784704, 8.8.2008, Adrian Smith, per GS. Libellula depressa (Broad-bodied Chaser): Hagg Wood, Pickering, SE8183, 24.5.2008 (♀), LW. Libellula quadrimaculata (Four-spotted Chaser): Gilling, (near dam of bottom lake), SE588766, 27.7.2008, GS. Sympetrum danae (Black Darter): Middleton Moor, SE7796, 6.9.2008, JP. Sympetrum striolatum (Common Darter): Gilling, (avenue), SE6076, 20.9.2008; GS; Sykes House, (pond), SE664917, 24.8.2008, MT, per JD.
Anthocoris nemorum: Middleton Moor, SE7796, 6.9.2008, JP. Cercopis vulnerata: Starfits Lane, Kirkbymoorside, SE6786, 7.6.2008, JP.
Panorpa germanica: Hagg Road, Kirkbymoorside, SE6876, 7.6.2008, JP.
Anabolia nervosa: 31, Piercy End, Kirkbymoorside, (on doorstep), SE698864, 20.8.2008, JP.
Tipula fulvipennis: Hawnby, SE536986, 9.8.2008, AG, det. RC. Tipula paludosa: Kirkbymoorside, SE6986, 24.7.2008, 6.8.2008, JP. Molophilus corniger: Hawnby, RC. Eloeophila apicata: Hawnby, RC. Eloeophila maculata: Hawnby, RC. Limonia nubeculosa: Hawnby, RC. Chrysopilus cristatus: Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 15.7.2008 (♂), AG. Rhagio lineolus: Lowna, SE688909, 29.7.2008 (♂), SE689913, 5.8.2008 (♂), AG. Rhagio tringarius: Hawnby, RC. Haematopota pluvialis: Lowna, SE691910, 29.7.2008 (♀), AG; Rye Dale, SE577843, 15.7.2008 (♀), AG. Hybomitra distinguenda: Lowna, SE691910, 29.7.2008 (♀), AG; Ryedale Laundry, Kirkbymooride, SE697861, 14.7.2008 (♀), AG. Tabanus maculicornis: Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 15.7.2008 (♂,3♀♀), AG. Chloromyia formosa: Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 15.7.2008 (♀), AG. Sargus bipunctatus: Hawnby, SE536896, 9.8.2008 (♂), AG. Bombylius major: Hutton Common, SE704881, 12.5.2008, AG. Machimus atricapillus: Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008 (♂,♀), AG. Hybos femoratus: Hawnby, RC. Platypalpus albicornis: Hawnby, RC. Platypalpus maculipes: Hawnby, RC. Empis livida: Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 15.7.2008, AG. Empis tessellata: Ashberry Pasture, SE567847, 9.6.2008, AG. Hilara albiventris: Hawnby, SE538897, 9.8.2008 (♂,♀), RC. Hilara chorica: Hawnby, RC. Hilara flavipes: Hawnby, RC. Hilara fuscipes: Hawnby, RC. Hilara nigrina: Hawnby, RC. Hilara obscura: Hawnby, RC. Gymnopternus aerosus: Hawnby, RC. Sybistroma obscurellum: Hawnby, RC. Sciapus platypterus: Hawnby, RC. Campsicnemus curvipes: Hawnby, RC. Sympicnus desoutteri: Hawnby, RC. Baccha elongata: Hawnby, RC. Melanostoma mellinum: near High Kingthorpe, SE847872, 18.8.2008 (♂), AG; near Sunley Court, Muscoates, SE685814, 1.9.2008 (♀), AG. Melanostoma scalare: Hawnby, RC; Starfits Lane, Kirkbymoorside, SE6786, 7.6.2008, JP. Platycheirus albimanus: Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 9.6.2008 (♀), AG. Platycheirus granditarsus: Aislaby Carr, SE778850, 7.8.2008, AG; Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 15.7.2008 (♀), AG; Cawthorne, SE778897, 22.8.2008 (♂), AG; Lowna, SE688909, 29.7.2008 (♀), AG. Epistrophe eligans: Ashberry Pasture, SE567847, 9.6.2008 (♂), AG. Epistrophe grossulariae: Gilling, (by middle lake), SE595759, 20.7.2008, GS; Rye Dale, SE577843, 15.7.2008, AG. Episyrphus balteatus: Cawthorne, SE778897, 22.8.2008, AG; Gilling, 10.2.2008, GS; Gilling, (disused railway track), SE6277, 20.7.2008, GS; High Dalby, SE853887, 11.8.2008 (♂), AG; Highfield Stables, Norton, SE813702, 10.6.2008, AG; near High Kingthorpe, SE847872, 1.9.2008, AG; Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008, AG; Rye Dale, SE577843, 15.7.2008, AG; near Saintoft Grange, SE790890, 22.8.2008, AG; The Hall, Thornton-le-Dale, SE838829, 31.5.2008, AG. Eupeodes luniger: Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008 (♀), AG. Leucozona laternaria: Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 15.7.2008 (♂), AG. Leucozona glaucia: Gilling, (by middle lake), SE595759, 20.7.2008, (woods), SE5975, 10.8.2008, GS; High Dalby, SE853887, 11.8.2008, AG; near Saintoft Grange, SE790890, 22.8.2008, AG. Meliscaeva cinctella: near High Kingthorpe, SE847872, 18.8.2008 (2♂♂), AG; Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008 (♀), AG. Syrphus ribesii: near High Kingthorpe, SE847872, 18.8.2008 (♀), 1.9.2008 (♀), AG. Rhingia campestris: Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 15.7.2008, AG; Cawthorne, SE778897, 22.8.2008 (♂), AG; Little Barugh, SE764796, 11.9.2008, AG; Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008, AG. Chrysogaster solstitialis: High Dalby, SE853887, 11.8.2008 (♀), AG. Melanogaster hirtella: Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 9.6.2008 (♂), AG. Eristalis horticola: Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008 (♀), AG. Eristalis interruptus: Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008 (♂), AG; near Sunley Court, Muscoates, SE685814, 1.9.2008 (♀), AG. Eristalis pertinax: Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 9.6.2008 (♀), AG; Cawthorne, SE778897, 22.8.2008 (♂), AG; High Dalby, SE853887, 11.8.2008 (♂), AG; Kirkbymoorside, 6.9.2008, JP; near Low Costa Mill, SE777842, 19.6.2008 (♀), AG; Rye Dale, SE577843, 15.7.2008, AG. Eristalis tenax: Gilling, 21.9.2008, GS; Kirkbymoorside, 6.9.2008, JP; Little Barugh, SE764796, 11.9.2008 (♂), AG. Helophilus pendulus: Fadmoor Road, SE677889, 21.9.2008, JP; Little Barugh, SE764796, 11.9.2008, AG. Myathropa florea: Gilling, (by middle lake), SE595759, 20.7.2008, GS; Kirkbymoorside, 6.9.2008, JP. Sericomyia silentis: Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008, AG; Oldstead Moor, SE5282, 2.8.2008, GS. Syritta pipiens: Little Barugh, SE764796, 11.9.2008 (♀), AG. Scathophaga stercoraria: Ings Lane, Kirkbymoorside, SE6985, 9.8.2008, JP. Lucilia caesar: Middleton Moor, SE7796, 6.9.2008, JP. Linnaemya vulpina: Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008 (♂), AG.
Diplolepis rosae: Starfits Lane, Kirkbymoorside, SE6786, 13.9.2008, 2 galls on Rosa (rose), JP. Andrena fulva: Gilling, 4.4.2008, 23.4.2008, GS; Slingsby, 21.4.2008, MT. Bombus hortorum: Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008, AG. Bombus lapidarius: Aislaby Carr, SE778850, 7.8.2008, AG; Cawthorne, SE778897, 22.8.2008, AG; Gilling, 5.5.2008, 26.5.2008, GS; Lowna, SE689913, 5.8.2008, AG. Bombus lucorum: Slingsby, 21.4.2008, MT. Bombus monticola: Lowna, SE690910, 5.8.2008, AG. Bombus pascuorum: Aislaby Carr, SE778850, 7.8.2008, AG; Cawthorne, SE778897, 22.8.2008, AG; near High Kingthorpe, SE847872, 1.9.2008, AG; Little Barugh, SE764796, 11.9.2008, AG; Lowna, SE688909, 29.7.2008, SE689913, 5.8.2008, AG; near Sunley Court, Muscoates, SE685814, 1.9.2008, AG. Bombus terrestris: Gilling, 13.2.2008, (woods), SE5975, 24.5.2008, GS; Slingsby, (orchard), SE698754, 17.9.2008, MT.
Pterostichus madidus: Kirkbymoorside, (by A170), SE6986, 13.9.2008, JP. Ocypus olens: Ings Lane, Kirkbymoorside, SE6985, 12.10.2008, JP. Rhagonycha fulva: Kirkbymoorside, 16.7.2008, JP; Sutton Bank, (on Cleveland Way), SE5083, 30.7.2008, JP. Meligethes aeneus: Ings Lane, Kirkbymoorside, SE6985, 9.8.2008, JP. Glischrochilus hortensis: Middleton Moor, SE7796, 6.9.2008, JP. Coccinella septempuncata: Gilling, 10.2.2008, 6.4.2008, GS. Strangalia maculata: Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, 15.7.2008, AG. Aphthona nonstriata: Helmsley, JP. Otiorhynchus sulcatus: Kirkbymoorside, 25.7.2008, JP.
Zygaena filipendulae (Six-spot Burnet): Pickering Castle, SE8084, LW. Anthophila fabriciana: Fadmoor Road, SE677889, JP; Helmsley, JP. Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth): 31, Piercy End, Kirkbymoorside, (in house), SE698864, JP; 56, Piercy End, Kirkbymoorside, (in house), SE697863, AG. Udea lutealis: Kirkbymoorside, JP. Hypsopygia costalis (Gold Triangle): Slingsby, MT. Pterophorus pentadactyla (White Plume Moth): Kirkbymoorside, JP. Gonepteryx rhamni (Brimstone): Gilling, GS; Hutton Common, SE704881, AG; Park Gate, Pickering, SE8085, LW; Middleton Road, Pickering, SE790840, JD; Slingsby, (disused railway track), SE6975, MT; South Holme, SE6977, MT; Sykes House, JD, TD; Thornton-le-Dale, SE833825, AG; Totten Lane, Slingsby, SE6975, MT. Pieris brassicae (Large White): Ashberry Pasture, SE567847, AG; Gilling, GS; Helmsley, JP; Hutton Common, SE704881, AG; Lees Hotel, Middleton, SE785872, AG; Lowna, SE689913, AG; Slingsby, MT. Pieris napi (Green-veined White): Gilling, (field edge), SE6077, GS; 56, Piercy End, Kirkbymoorside, SE697863, AG; Kirkbymoorside, JP; Slingsby, (disused railway track), & Totten Lane, SE6975, MT. Pieris rapae (Small White): Ashberry Pasture, SE567848, AG; Helmsley, JP; Kirkbymoorside, JP; Middleton, SE783853, AG; Slingsby, (disused railway track), SE6975, MT. Anthocharis cardamines (Orange Tip): Bank Wood, Hovingham, SE659739, AG; Gilling, (woodland path), SE5975, GS; Slingsby, MT; Slingsby, (disused railway track), SE6975, MT. Lycaena phlaeas (Small Copper): Gilling, GS; Hagg Wood, Pickering, SE8183, LW; Slingsby Heights, SE6974, MT. Celastrina argiolus (Holly Blue): Gilling, GS; Kirkbymoorside, (garden), SE6986, MT; Manor Drive, Pickering, SE788841, LW; Slingsby, MT; Slingsby, (disused railway track), SE6975, MT. Hamearis lucina (Duke of Burgundy Fritillary): Hawnby Hill, SE5391, 17.5.2008, seen during walk organised by Butterfly Conservation (GS, pers. comm.). Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral): Gilling, GS; Hudson Quarry, SE665943, TD; Kirkbymoorside, SE6986, JP; Lees Hotel, Middleton, SE785872, AG; Ryedale Laundry, Kirkbymoorside, SE697861, AG; Slingsby, MT; Slingsby, (disused railway track), SE6975, MT; Sykes House, JD, TD; Sykes Intake, Rudland, SE669920, TD. Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady): Park Gate, Pickering, SE8085, LW. Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell): Gillamoor, SE6889, JP; Gilling, (field edge), SE6077, GS; Gilling, GS; Ings Lane, Kirkbymoorside, SE6985, JP; Kirkbymoorside, (garden), SE6986, GS; Sutton Bank, (on Cleveland Way), SE5083, JP; Slingsby, MT; Slingsby, (disused railway track), SE6975, MT; Slingsby, (football field), SE696752, AG; Sykes House, JD, TD. Inachis io (Peacock): Gilling, GS; Hudson Quarry, SE665943, TD; Kirkbymoorside, JP; near Middleton, SE783860, AG; Slingsby, MT; Slingsby, (disused railway track), SE6975, MT; Sykes House, JD, TD. Polygonia c-album (Comma): Gilling, GS; Park Gate, Pickering, SE8085, LW; Sykes House, JD, TD. Pararge aegeria (Speckled Wood): Gilling, (woodland path), SE5975, GS; Kirkbymoorside, JP; Hagg Wood, Pickering, SE8183, LW; Slingsby, MT; Slingsby, (disused railway track), SE6975, MT. Lasiommata megera (Wall): Gilling, (woodland path), SE5975, GS; Park Gate, Pickering, SE8085, LW; Slingsby Heights, SE6974, MT; Sykes House, JD, TD. Melanargia galathea (Marbled White): Pickering, SE796838, LW. Pyronia tithonus (Gatekeeper): Gilling, (dam of bottom lake), SE590766, GS; Park Gate, Pickering, SE8085, LW. Maniola jurtina (Meadow Brown): Aislaby Carr, SE778850, AG; Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, AG; Coneysthorpe, (field), SE7171, GS; Kirkbymoorside, JP; Low Marishes, SE816772, AG; Rye Dale, SE577843, AG. Coenonympha pamphilus (Small Heath): Appleton Common, SE7286, JP; Kirkbymoorside, JP; Kirkbymoorside, SE697867, JP; Lowna, SE688909, AG; Middleton Moor, SE7796, JP. Aphantopus hyperantus (Ringlet): Appleton Common, SE7286, JP; Ashberry Pasture, SE5684, AG; Lowna, SE688909, SE689913, AG; Middleton Moor; SE7696, JP; Slingsby, (disused railway track), & Totten Lane, SE6975, MT; Sutton Bank, SE5083, JP. Trichiura crataegi (Pale Eggar): Sykes House, TC. Cyclophora linearia (Clay Triple-lines): Slingsby, MT. Idaea dimidiata (Single-dotted Wave): 31, Piercy End, Kirkbymoorside, (in house), SE698864, JP. Xanthorhoe fluctuata (Garden Carpet): Slingsby, MT; Sykes House, TC. Xanthorhoe montanata (Silver-ground Carpet): Helmsley, JP. Eulithis testata (The Chevron): Sykes House, TC. Chloroclysta truncata (Common Marbled Carpet): Sykes House, TC. Odezia atrata (Chimney Sweeper): Helmsley, JP; Kirkbymoorside, SE697867, JP; Low Marishes, SE817772, AG. Opisthograptis luteolata (Brimstone Moth): Slingsby, (disused railway track), SE6975, MT. Ennomos alniaria (Canary-shouldered Thorn): Slingsby, MT. Cabera exanthemata (Common Wave): Slingsby, MT. Notodonta dromedarius (Iron Prominent): Sykes House, TC. Pheosia tremula (Swallow Prominent): Slingsby, MT. Eilema lurideola (Common Footman): Slingsby, MT. Spilosoma lutea (Buff Ermine): Kirkbymoorside, JP. Tyria jacobaeae (Cinnabar), caterpillars on Senecio (ragwort) at Pickering Castle, SE8084, LW. Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing): Sykes House, TC. Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing): Slingsby, MT. Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing): Kirkbymoorside, JP; Slingsby, MT; Sykes House, TC. Xestia xanthographa (Square-spot Rustic): Sykes House, TC. Eurois occulta (Great Brocade): Slingsby, MT. Mamestra brassicae (Cabbage Moth): Slingsby, MT. Melanchra persicariae (Dot Moth): Slingsby, MT. Mythimna pallens (Common Wainscot): Slingsby, MT. Xanthia togata (Pink-barred Sallow): Sykes House, TC. Phlogophora meticulosa (Angle Shades): Slingsby, MT. Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches): Slingsby, MT. Plusia festucae (Gold Spot): Gilling, GS, det. Stuart Dunlop; Sykes House, TC. Autographa gamma (Silver Y): Sykes House, TC. Rivula sericealis (Straw Dot): Sykes House, TC.
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