Ryedale Natural History Society is based in Kirkbymoorside about 25 miles north of York, and holds indoor meetings in winter and runs field outings through the summer. Membership is open to all (£12 single, £20 family). Please email ryenats@gmail.com for details, and see this page.

Ring Ouzel records: Ken Hutchinson and Vic Fairbrother have been monitoring ring ouzels in Ryedale for 25 years, and have kindly allowed Ryenats to publish their findings here. The latest report is for 2023. Also a fascinaating paper on ouzel dialects.

Reports of recent trips: 2023 Appleton Woods, Dawn Chorus Gilling, High Mires, Hartoft
2022 Nunnington (more to add...)

2021 Appleton Woods, Dawn Chorus, Newgate Bank, Beavers in Cropton Forest, Upper Riccaldale, Farndale/Harland, Gilling Lakes Dragonflies, Hazel Heads Fungi

Where have we been?

Where are we going next?

Field trips and indoor meetings

Recording species in Ryedale – you can help us by logging anything interesting to build up a database of wildlife in our local area.

What have we logged recently? – and in previous years

What have our members photographed?

A selection of images recently uploaded to our album page.

For more information please email ryenats@gmail.com.

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